Each essay should not be less than 400 words. The essays prompts are found below. You will notice that there are several sub-questions for each prompt: you are not necessarily bound to those sub-questions, and may develop your response to the prompt as you see fit. However, you will probably be in good shape if you can, in fact, answer the sub- questions for the prompt. It is recommended that sub-questions that are underlined should not be neglected. Please note that some questions are factual and others are interpretative. For example, the question, ‘what are the charges brought against Socrates?’ does have a factual answer, and you can certainly provide an incorrect answer; alternatively, the question, ‘what is Plato trying to accomplish in the dialogue, Euthyphro?’ would require an interpretation—an interpretation nevertheless based on the text and not on groundless speculation

I warn you, again, against relying on the internet or secondary resources. Take a bit of time to engage with...

Do not use any source other than the links I have attached below, please. If you use sources other than these, I will not be able to accept the assignment. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=92UfAJr7790 https://towardsdatascience.com/the-bayesian-brain-hypothesis-35b98847d331 https://medium.com/lessons-from-history/the-tragic-success-of-nazi-propaganda-8f6a04926592 https://medium.com/lessons-from-history/bonhoeffers-theory-of-stupidity-explains-the-world-perfectly-957cbb3fbac1

In our study of the brain so far this semester we have considered some attractive features of its functions. These...

Midterm Assignment Topic: The Debate over Ratification of the Constitution. Length: Three to four double spaced typed pages plus a work cited page. Due Date: Monday, February 28th by midnight Submission Type: Turnitin Essay Prompt: Explain the causes and solutions to the debate over the ratification of the U.S. Constitution. Expectations: 1) The student needs to explain the ideology of both Federalists and Anti-Federalists. 2) Incorporate a minimum of three historical documents from the Constitution Debate DBQ 3) Use only course content material (going on the web and using unauthorized sources will result in a significant decrease in a student’s grade). 4) Body paragraphs must contain examples of documented evidence using proper APA/MLA in-text parenthetical citation format (footnotes are acceptable). 5) Demonstrate thorough research to include sourcing and corroboration of materials.

If you need answers to this assignment, WhatsApp/Text to +1 646 978 1313   or send us an email to admin@shrewdwriters.com and we...