Diet Analysis Assignment


11.Fill in the Daily Nutrient Intake Chart to indicate the recommended nutritional intake and your actual intake according to your 2-day Diet Analysis. When entering the amounts in the chart, please use %, grams, mg and oz where the chart asks for those amounts.Also, please use an average of the 2 days for each section of the actual intake part of the chart.Fill in an answer for each box within the chart, for a total of 33 answers. (6 points)

Table 1: Daily Nutrient Intake Chart

Recommended Your Actual Intake Are you within, above, or below the recommended guidelines?
Total Calories
% Carbohydrates
% Protein
% Fat
% Saturated Fats
Cholesterol (mgs)
Sodium (mgs)
Calcium (mgs)
Vitamin C (mgs)
Iron (mgs)
Fiber (grs)

12.Based on your personal My Plate assignment, fill in the My Plate Guidelines list below.Include your recommended number of servings for each food group according to your My Plate guidelines.

(2 points)

Table 2: My Plate Guidelines List

Food Group Recommended Servings for You

13.In regards to the recommended intake chart, specifically list at least 3 individual food items that will help you meet the recommended dietary allowances in areas in which you have identified deficiencies. State food items and the identified deficiency. (2 points)

14. In regards to the recommended intake chart, specifically list at least 3 individual food items that you should limit to help you achieve better nutrition and/or a more balanced diet. State food items and explain why you should limit these foods. (2 points)

15.Create a healthy/balanced sample daily menu complete with serving sizes that meets all the requirements of the My Plate guidelines.You must include breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks and beverages.(This question may be more helpful to you

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