Art from Reading: Art from Africa

Write 2 short question (maximum 2 sentences) about a specific passage in the reading (maximum 4 sentences) or about a specific feature of an object introduced in the reading, including a page reference for our benefit.

and answer the following questions.

The authors have employed personal anecdotes, interviews, and oral narratives to present “case histories” of objects and where are they from. What is happening in this part of Africa today?

“Fetishes were everything from necklaces to sculptures valued by Africans–in Western terms–their power of ‘enchantments’ provocation of ‘superstitious dread,’ or capacity to be ‘animated by a spirit’.” How do you think the definition of fetishes has evolved into its current definition?

What is/are the connection(s) between “He goes on to explain, ‘What we properly understand by Africa, is the Unhistorical, Undeveloped Spirit, still involved in the conditions of mere nature,” and “Into the early twentieth century, Sigmund Freud and a host of psychiatrists and sociologists began to map the sexual fixations lurking behind the scenes of everyday European life. Clients were found to be dependent on articles of clothing (shoes, gloves, underwear) and parts of the body (hair, feet) for stimulation. The fetish was applied to a pathology deemed perverse, but common'”(Mcclusky – Fetish imagination of Europe Kongo medicine, Page 150). And how does the fetish affect people?

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