Nutrition Question

I’m working on a nutrition question and need guidance to help me study.

Please make sure to follow every step and the details attached. And you will need to have chart included in your paper.

Final Project:

The Three Principal Criteria for Completing the Final Project

When working on your Final Project, please keep these three main criteria in mind:

  1. The first is that you spend some time furthering your current knowledge and understanding of course-related content. The emphasis should be on content that highlights quantitative information.
  2. The second is that you present your knowledge and understanding in an approved format. This includes the parameters outlined in the Grading Rubric for this assignment as well as the Liberal Arts Written Work Guidelines.
  3. The third and most important is that you integrate quantitative information into your presentation. This includes any use of numbers, physical units, changing units, charts or diagrams (preferably that you made yourself) labeled with the proper units and numbers, scientific notation or powers of ten, ratios, linear or exponential models, any relevant formulas, statistics, and calculations.

List of Example Topic Ideas

The following list suggests several Final Project topic ideas. Feel free to choose from this list or create your own!

  1. Research the nutritional effects, health effects, and history of a specific food, supplement, or phytochemical.
    For example: tea, caffeine, tannins, soy-based food, blueberries
  2. Study a medication or drug that is controversial in some way.
    Ideas: statins, antidepressants, Ritalin, alcohol or any psychoactive drug
  3. Research the health effects of a synthetic sugar or other food additive.
    Such as: saccharine, Splenda, aspartame, or hydrogenated oils
  4. Research a question related to a vitamin or mineral.
    For instance, does vitamin E protect against oxidative stress?
  5. Explore the health effects of an environmental contaminant, additive or technology that may be controversial.
    Such as: BPA, fluoride in municipal water, or the possible link between cell phones and brain tumors
  6. Analyze a popular diet or training plan.
    For example: the Atkins or South Beach diets
  7. Develop a diet and/or exercise plan for a particular individual.
  8. Study a health condition or illness.
    Ideas: autism, ADHD, breast cancer, obesity or diabetes
  9. Research a particular genetically modified food.
    Like corn, soy, or wheat
  10. Research the known functions of a particular neurotransmitter, hormone, or other biological molecule.

If you’re having trouble choosing a topic, you can always construct a report on any of the topics in that textbook that were not covered in this course. You can use the textbook as your first source, and then use web, journal, or print articles and other textbooks as additional sources.

Specific Ways To Include Quantitative Data

1. Include and discuss numerical data already collected and analyzed in reference to your topic. You may include relevant graphs, charts or simply a discussion of the statistics.

A. Example:

2. Refer to levels of a molecule or medicine using proper units. Convert units if applicable.

A. Example: “There are 180 mg of aspartame in a 12 oz. soft drink. An individual who drinks three soft drink containing aspartame per day would consume 540 mg of aspartame a day from soft drinks alone. The advisable intake according to the FDA is 50 mg per kg of body weight a day. Therefore . . .”

3. Include data that you collected and analyzed on popular opinion or knowledge related to your topic.

A. Example: Do you think GMO foods should be labeled?
B. Example: Are you concerned about BPA in plastics?

4. Another approach is to have your entire project based on testing your own hypothesis. Come up with a hypothesis and collect data to support or refute it. You can collect your own data either physically or by using the Internet. Then use Excel or a Google Documents spreadsheet to process the data. Statistical correlations are easy (and fun) to do if you are competent working with spreadsheets. You would then discuss your methods, and report and analyze your own results.

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