python tutrle memory game project simple

I’m working on a python project and need a sample draft to help me understand better.

hey, i want to make a python turtle tails matching game, which has a grid and bunch of objects and the player click on them and try to match them and there is a count time each time the player win it record the time.

Game Play:

Player is presented a grid of cards/tiles, showing the backs of all the cards.

The cards stay in their same positions for the duration of the game.

Player clicks a card to see the face side, then clicks another card to try and find the match. (There are two cards of each pattern.)

If the two cards match, a message appears, and after some number of seconds, the two cards are removed from the grid.

If the two cards don’t match, a message appears, and after some number of seconds, the two cards revert to the back.

Game play continues until all the matches are found and the grid is empty.

A game over screen appears, showing the time to finish the game. Player is prompted to play again or end the program

Technical requirements:

Create this in Trinket, using Turtle graphics.

Should include a Card class. Instance variables include a turtle object for that card, card image or pattern, visible (boolean), coordinates.

Card objects should be put in a list; needed for layout and for verifying matching card (based on image or pattern)

Animation loop will be continually running.

Some functions that might be useful:

new_game (cards list)

(loops Card list, determines coordinates, renders Cards, starts animation loop)

check_match (card1, card2):

returns True or False

get_clicked_card (coordinates)

returns Card object that was clicked (based on coordinates of click and of cards)

generate_cards (number of pairs)

create the appropriate number of cards, return list of Card objects

# if using datetime objects

get_elapsed_time (start time)return number of seconds since start time

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