English Question

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2. Does my paper fully address the prompt, and do I have a clear introduction and conclusion?
3. If needed, are my paper and sources in MLA format? The paper should be Times New Roman, 12 pt. font, double-spaced. Click here for an example paper in MLA. Click here to see a sample Works Cited page. Need further assistance on how to cite? View this short video: How to Format Your Paper and Create Works Cited PagePlagiarism CheckYour paper will be screened for plagiarism. If you feel you need help in this area, please email your teacher, visit our online library (the Learning Resource Center), or feel free to book a one-on-one appointment with a writing coach. Appointments are available HERE.Click HERE to access the JMHS Plagiarism Policy.
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Rubric Name: Legend / Textual Evidence Essay

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This table lists criteria and criteria group names in the first column. The first row lists level names and includes scores if the rubric uses a numeric scoring method. You can give feedback on each criterion by tabbing to the add feedback buttons in the table.CriteriaExcellent

20 points


15 points


10 points


5 points


0 points

Criterion Score

Introduction: Background/History Defining the Problem Claim Statement

Well-developed introduction engages the reader and creates interest. Contains detailed background information and a clear explanation of the problem. The claim clearly states a significant and compelling position.

Introduction creates interest and contains background information. The claim clearly states a problem and the writer’s position is evident.

Introduction adequately explains the background of the problem, but may lack clarity. The claim states a problem, but writer’s position may not be evident.

Background details are a random collection of information, are unclear, and may be loosely related to the topic. Claim/position is vague or not stated.

Background details are not evident at all; difficult to understand. Claim/position not stated.

Score of Introduction: Background/History Defining the Problem Claim Statement,/ 20

Argumentative Points: Refutation/ Development

The student created a well-developed argumentative points, which directly supported the writer’s claim / position. Supporting examples were concrete and detailed. Commentary was logical and well-thoughtout. Counter claims acknowledged opposing viewpoints clearly and skillfully. Conclusion revisited the claim in a new way and applied the writer’s position universally.

Most argumentative points were related to the thesis, but one may have lacked sufficient support or deviated from claim. Counter claims acknowledged opposing viewpoint(s) with some logic and clarity. Conclusion summarized the claim and key points with some “fresh” commentary present.

More than one argumentative point lacked sufficient details and support. Writer attempted to address one or more opposing arguments, but the writer may not have refuted the opposition clearly or adequately. Conclusion mirrored introduction too closely, with little or no new commentary on the writer’s claim / position.

Most argumentative points were poorly developed. Counter claims were missing or vague. Commentary was not present. Conclusion did not re-visit the claim or summarize key argumentative point(s).

The argument was largely undeveloped. Counter claims were missing. Commentary was not present. A conclusion was missing or lacking in content.

Score of Argumentative Points: Refutation/ Development,/ 20

Organization: Structure Transitions

Logical progression of ideas with a clear structure that enhances the claim. Transitions are smooth and provide coherence between and among ideas.

Logical progression of ideas. Transitions are present throughout essay and provide adequate coherence between and among ideas.

Organization is clear. Transitions are present, but may not lend to coherence between and among ideas.

Organization is not very clear. Transitions are lacking and may not lend to coherence between and among ideas.

No discernable organization. Transitions are not present.

Score of Organization: Structure Transitions,/ 20

Style & Conventions: Syntax (sentence variety & “flow”)/ Diction (word choice)/ Tone/ Spelling, punctuation, & capitalization

Writing is smooth, skillful, and coherent. Sentences are strong and expressive with varied structure. Diction is consistent and words are well-chosen. The tone is highly consistent with writer’s position / claim and appropriate throughout essay. Punctuation, spelling, & capitalization are accurate with few or no errors.

Writing is clear and sentences have some varied structure. Diction is appropriate. Tone is generally consistent with writer’s position / claim and appropriate throughout essay. Punctuation, spelling, & capitalization are generally accurate, with some errors.

Writing is clear, but sentences may lack variety. Diction is sometimes inconsistent and/or inappropriate at various points in essay. Tone may be inconsistent with writer’s position / claim. Several errors in punctuation, spelling, & capitalization.

Writing is not very clear, and sentences may lack variety. Diction is inconsistent and/or inappropriate at many points in essay. Tone is inconsistent with writer’s position / claim. Many errors in punctuation, spelling, & capitalization.

Writing is confusing and hard to follow. Contains fragments and/or run-on sentences. Diction is inappropriate and inconsistent throughout essay. Tone of piece is highly inconsistent with writer’s position /claim. Too many errors in punctuation, spelling, & capitalization distract reader.

Score of Style & Conventions: Syntax (sentence variety & “flow”)/ Diction (word choice)/ Tone/ Spelling, punctuation, & capitalization,/ 20

Sources: Use of sources/ MLA Format Relevance/reliability

Evidence from sources is smoothly and logically integrated into essay and serves to add credibility & insight into writer’s position / claim. All sources are cited accurately and are highly relevant and reliable.

Evidence from source(s) is integrated into the text. Most sources are cited accurately and are generally relevant and reliable.

Some source material is used and may or may not lend credibility to writer’s position/claim. Several sources may not be cited accurately. Relevance and reliability may be questionable.

Few source materials are used. Little evidence of source citations or they may be inaccurate. Relevance and/or reliability are in question

No source material is used. Source citations are not evident or may be highly inaccurate. Relevance and/or reliability are strongly in question

Score of Sources: Use of sources/ MLA Format Relevance/reliability,/ 20

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