Write 2 short discussions. As long as the question is answered.

Part 1: In the examples below you will view three brief examples of a scene from an actual movie. For each example there are three alternate versions of the accompanying music for those scenes. Carefully note how the message of the scene is altered when the music is altered. Once you have completed viewing each of these examples write a summary of your understanding the role of music plays in movies.

Here is the link to a scene with no music: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6eapnDb7BkE

Scene 1:

Scene 2:

Scene 3:

Part 2: Your assignment is to listen to the examples of opera arias below and submit your commentary on how the music connects with you, language not withstanding, and whether you would attend a live performance of an opera, given the opportunity. Toreador” from the opera “Carmen”: Che gelida manina” from “La Boheme”

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